Accessibility statement
Ministry of Justice of Poland is committed to making this website accessible in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications operated by Public Sector Bodies. This statement applies to the website of the National Criminal Register e-service published on the domain
Publication and last major update of the website
This website was published on 1 July 2014
This website was updated on 16 August 2019
Compliance status
This website is not compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications operated by Public Sector Bodies. The non-compliances are listed below.
- Some functionalities on the website are not operable from a keyboard.
- There are keyboard traps on the website.
- An input error notification does not clearly identify this error and may be incomprehensible to the user.
- If an input error is detected, the suggestion for correction is not provided to the user.
- A warning before opening a new window in the browser is not provided.
- There are no website map and no search function.
- The layout and the behaviour of the menu bars and other navigation elements across different pages of the website are inconsistent.
- The download links do not provide information on document language, format and size.
- The visibility of all information on the page is not maintained after enlarging it up to 200 %.,
- The CAPTCHA solutions are not available.
- There are elements indicated by colour.
- The contrast ratio from text to background is below 4,5:1.
- Information is provided solely using shape and/or location.
- The headings are not properly structured.
The above-mentioned requirements have not been fulfilled due to ongoing works on the new National Criminal Register e-service which would replace the current one. The new e-service is being built in accordance with the WCAG 2. 1 Guidelines and is scheduled to become operational from IV Q 2024.
Preparation of this statement and digital accessibility assessment method
This statement was prepared on 16 September 2020.
This statement was reviewed and updated on 15 February 2024.
This statement was based on the self-assessment done by the public entity.
Keyboard shortcuts
You should be able to use standard keyboard shortcuts on the website.
Feedback and contact details
Please let us know if you encounter any accessibility barriers.
The contact person: Adrian Włodarczyk
E-mail: or
Phone: (71) 748 96 00 - choose 6.
Requests for providing accessible alternative for non-accessible content as well as other requests for ensuring accessibility of this website can be submitted by the same channels.
Request and complaint procedure
Everyone is entitled to request digital accessibility of the website or any of its elements. You may also request provision of information by an alternative method of access, for example by reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a video without audio description, etc.
Please include in the request the following details: your name, indication of the website concerned and the preferred way of contact. If you wish to request particular content to be made accessible by an alternative method, please include the required method.
The public entity should fulfil your request without delay, not later than within 7 days from the date of the request. If this deadline cannot be met, the public entity shall promptly inform the requesting person on the expected date of fulfilling the request, whereas the new deadline shall not exceed 2 months from the date of the request.
If the public entity is unable to ensure the digital accessibility, it may offer the alternative method of access to the information. In case the request for ensuring accessibility or for alternative method of access to information is denied by the public entity, the requesting person can make a complaint to this public entity.
Once all above-mentioned possibilities have been exhausted, a complaint can also be made to the Commissioner for Human Rights
Architectural accessibility
The building of the Ministry of Justice - The Information Office of The National Criminal Register is located at 100 Czerniakowska Street in Warsaw (postal code 00-454).
The entrance to the building is located on the side of Czerniakowska Street.
There are no architectural barriers making the access to the building impossible for wheelchair users.
The Customer Service Point is located on the ground floor at the entrance to the building.
The cash desks are located on the right side of the entrance.
The customer service stands are located at the end of the room.
The toilet for persons with disabilities is located on the right side of the entrance.
There are no designated parking spots for persons with disabilities in front of the building of the Ministry of Justice. Those are located on the side of neighbouring building of the Regional Court.
You may enter the building accompanied by an assistance dog or a guide dog.
No sign language interpretation service is available in the building.